A new range of colour spray paint for your Elapor or other, foam models. This paint is opaque with great adhesion. Just like the Zacki-Elapor range of adhesives, Elapor-Color is carefully matched to the special requirements of models with foam surfaces.\n\nELAPOR®-COLOR is a universal model paint for use on most materials used in model building today adhering to all types of foam including those based on EPP, EPO, EPS, Z Foam, Elapor, Depron, as well as ABS, GRP, metal and wood.\n\nIn conjunction with Multiplex MULTIprimer these paints produce perfect results. Give your imagination free rein!\n\nThe impressive feature of these paints is their outstanding covering power. Generally one coat of colour is sufficient to give a solid surface finish - saving money and weight as well as effort! The paint is scratch-proof, and resistant to the effects of weathering and fuel.\n\nThis clear laquer is used to seal the surface after you have applied the colour paint. It is perfect for obtaining a consistent finish if you only wish to paint part of the surface or have applied decals, transfers or stickers.\n\n
/ Collections /Modelling Materials & Glues - Epoxy
/ Multiplex Elapor-Color Spray Paint (150ml) GOLD